名字:黄蜂兽 フライモン Flymon
首次登场:1998年8月 数码怪兽 Ver.5
必杀技&得意技:致命毒针 Deadly Sting デッドリースティング
设定资料(中文):昆虫型数码兽,拥有不祥的巨大翅膀。可以用其巨大翅膀以超高速飞翔,在飞行中会产生嗡嗡的巨大嚎叫噪音(Howling Noise),会麻痹听者的听觉。身体被坚硬的外壳保护着,用巨大钩爪夹住敌人并用尾部的超强力的毒针致其死亡。昆虫型数码兽的进化过程尚未明晰,但从脸形来推测估计是从古尼兽种进化而来。必杀技是飞射尾巴的毒针「致命毒针」,被该毒针刺到的数码兽会全身麻痹,当身体变成紫色就一命呜呼了。顺带一提,该毒针是会无限长出来的麻烦玩意儿。
进化为:恐蜂兽、钢铁巨龙兽、蛋蛋兽、虎蜂兽(与恐蜂兽和乌鸦天狗兽合体进化)、亚基利兽(或与温迪兽合体)、Aero V-dramon (with V-dramon or XV-mon)、Ancient Beatmon (with Atlur Kabuterimon (Red), Okuwamon and Scorpiomon)、Anomalocarimon (with or without Ikkakumon)、Archnemon (with or without Wendimon)、Astamon (with Mad Leomon or Shadramon)、Asuramon (with Igamon)、Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue) (with Nise Drimogemon or Tortamon)、Atlur Kabuterimon (Red)、Beowolfmon (with Growmon)、Big Mamemon (with Greymon or Revolmon)、Cannonbeemon、Dagomon (with Coelamon, Ebidramon, Gesomon, Octmon, or Seadramon)、Dark Knightmon (with Porcupamon)、Digitamamon、Dinobeemon、Etemon (with Bao Hackmon or Zubaeagermon)、Fantomon (with Bakemon, Meramon, or Wizarmon)、Gerbemon (with Red Vegimon, Woodmon, Togemon, or Kiwimon)、Giromon、Groundramon (with Devidramon)、Hangyomon (with Rukamon)、Jewelbeemon、Lady Devimon (with Devimon)、Megadramon (with Coredramon (Green))、Megalo Growmon (with Arresterdramon or Reppamon)、Metal Mamemon (with Garurumon, Greymon, Angemon, Leomon, or Tailmon)、Metal Tyranomon、Monzaemon、Okuwamon、Piccolomon (with Kabuterimon, Tailmon, or Tortamon)、Pumpmon (with Garurumon or Hanumon)、Savior Hackmon (with Targetmon)、Tiger Vespamon (with Dinobeemon and Karatenmon)、Tonosama Gekomon (with Gekomon, Kuwagamon, Monochromon, or Starmon)、Vamdemon (with or without Dokugumon)、Waru Monzaemon (with Mechanorimon, Guardromon, Tankmon, Clockmon, or Thunderballmon)
英文版介绍:A Flymon appears in "Shining Wings! Garudamon" attacking most of the Chosen Children.
英文版介绍:In "Burn, Digisoul of Anger, The Flymon Hidden in Darkness", a Kunemon that realized at Chika"s school ran wild and evolved to Flymon, but it was defeated by Geo Greymon.
英文版介绍:In "Strike! The Killer Shot", several Flymon served Toropiamon and took over the Pomumon"s island, kidnapping the Pomumon and turning them into fruit.
Battle!! Digital Monsters
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 ~New Courage~
Several Flymon appeared from the polyhedron, alongside many other Virus Digimon. One of them fought V-Tamer"s Yagami Taichi and Zeromaru at the start of the chapter, but it was taken down by the latter punching it as Aero V-dramon.
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer
Flymon is an obtainable Adult level, Virus Attribute, Sky Type Digimon. It can be found in Devimon"s Cave.
Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc
Flymon is an obtainable Digimon. It evolves from Kunemon and can evolve to Giromon, Monzaemon, or Vamdemon.
Digimon World 2
Flymon is an obtainable Digimon. It evolves from Dokunemon (0+ JP) and can evolve to Okuwamon (0+ JP).
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
Flymon is an obtainable Digimon that appears as a minion of Black War Greymon along with Kuwagamon. It evolves from Kunemon without Digimental and can evolve to Okuwamon. Its signature technique, Deadly Stinghas a 50% chance to paralyze an opponent at random (1 to 3 Digimon). The player wins the battle if they successfully knock out or paralyze all of the opponent"s Digimon.
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers
Flymon is an obtainable Digimon that can be found early in the Bug Field. It evolves from Kunemon without Digimental and can evolve to Okuwamon. Its signature technique, Deadly Stinghas a 50% chance to paralyze an opponent at random (1 to 3 Digimon). The player wins the battle if they successfully knock out or paralyze all of the opponent"s Digimon.
Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer
Flymon is a wild Digimon that can be found in the last two stages. It can be converted into a Plug-In Card, Deadly Sting, a technique that has a 50% chance to paralyze an opponent at random (1 to 3 Digimon).
Digimon World 3
Flymon is a wild Digimon that can be found in Asuka Wire Forest Entrance after beating Suzaku Leader. Pink-colored Flymon can be found in Amaterasu Wire Forest. This pink Flymon is also one of the three Digimon used by the Byakko Leader.
Flymon is an obtainable Green Digimon card with 1 S-Energy cost and 12 AP/11 HP.
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
Flymon can be evolved from Kunemon if above Level 19 and has 500 Insect/Plant EXP, or can be found at Chip Forest. It can evolve to Dinobeemon if above Level 41 with 8800 Dragon EXP, but Dinobeemon must be previously befriended. It can also Jogress to Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue) with Nise Drimogemon or Tortamon, or to Archnemon with Wendimon.
Digimon Masters
Flymon can be evolved from Kunemon at level 11 and evolves into Okuwamon at level 25.
Digimon Life
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red
Flymon DigiXroses to Tiger Vespamon with Dinobeemon and Karatenmon, or to Ancient Beatmon with Atlur Kabuterimon (Red), Okuwamon, and Scorpiomon.
Digimon Collectors
Digimon Crusader
Digimon Adventure
A Flymon was one of the DigiOne Grand Prix contestants that the Chosen Children met outside the Colosseum in Sub-Episode 10, "DigiOne Grand Prix". It argued with an Orgemon.
Another Flymon attacked the Chosen Children early on in Episode 30, "Shining Wings! Garudamon", which worried Tentomon, as Flymon are fast. However, Birdramon soon appeared and defeated the Flymon with a Meteor Wing, with her appearance making Yagami Taichi sure Takenouchi Sora had to be around.
Flymon appear as random enemies from Episode 30, "Shining Wings! Garudamon" onwards. They can use Deadly Stingto deal multiple hits and Shock to the entire party, and Howling Noiseto deal more damage to the entire party.
Digimon Fortune
Digimon Fusion Fighters
The Flymon from the Xros Wars anime is a playable character.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Flymon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Digimon Soul Chaser
Flymon evolves from Funbeemon and can evolve to Cannonbeemon.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker"s Memory
Flymon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Digimon New Century
Flymon is an unobtainable Digimon.
Digimon Survive
Flymon is the partner of Tominaga Ryō.
Digital Monster Ver. 5
Flymon evolves from Gizamon and can evolve to Metal Tyranomon.
D-3 Version 3
Flymon is an enemy Digimon in Area 02 and 03.
Flymon is an enemy Digimon.
Digimon Twin L & R
Digital Monster Ver.20th
Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th
Flymon can be used as a Copymon from Digital Monster Ver.20th and can be used to Jogress to Perfect.
毒素和螫针:胡蜂的毒素分溶血毒和神经毒2类,可引起人的肝、肾等脏器的功能衰竭,特别是蜇到人血管上有生命之忧,对过敏体质的人尤其危险。胡蜂毒刺上无毒腺盖,可对人发动多次袭击或蜇刺人。 [1-2]